HDH Dining
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At HDH Dining Services, we believe in providing every customer a positive experience through great service and quality products. We are proud to be partners with these local and global vendors:
Primary vendors are our partners that help us serve over 5.5 million guests per year. Our primary vendors assist with the sourcing and coordination of a majority of our quality products.
We are proud to partner with these local and sustainable vendors. 19% of our total purchases meet sustainability guidelines within the following categories – California locally raised, handled and distributed; USDA organic; Fair Trade Certified; cage-free or pasture raised; humane raised; seafood from Monterey Bay Aquarium good or best categories; and locally grown. 38% of our produce purchasing is from locally grown sources within 250 miles of campus. Additionally our partners include certified Glatt Kosher and certified Halal providers.
HDH supports the University’s commitment to social and environmental responsibility by offering Fair Trade products in all Dining Services facilities.